Profile pipes are widely used in many fields of activity of modern man. This is industrial production, and agriculture and construction, etc. If we talk about a profile pipe made of aluminum, then you can add a design to the list. The great demand is due to the presence in the products of this type of such properties as attractive appearance, corrosion resistance and low specific gravity.

Aluminum profile pipe

Aluminum profile pipes have a relatively light weight and can withstand heavy loads

Advantages and types

Compared to circular pipes, the advantages of aluminum shaped products are obvious. It:

  • ability to withstand high mechanical loads;
  • lower metal consumption, due to which the weight of the structure is reduced;
  • convenience of transportation and storage.
  • The rectangular and square shape of the pipe allows you to create a wide variety of designs.

In addition, it is possible to mount a pipeline based on a profile aluminum pipe using special couplings, fittings, and welding, just as when using round pipe.

The cross section of products of this type can be:

  • square. Strength is given to this profile by symmetrical stiffeners;
  • rectangular. It is used when it is necessary to strengthen one of the sides of the structure;
  • shaped. The strength of such an aluminum pipe is not inferior to products with a different section.

The use of profile non-ferrous metal rolling allows, along with reducing the weight of structures, to save a large number of building materials. In addition, square and rectangular products can serve as reliable communication channels, laid not only inside but also outside the premises.

Aluminum profile pipe

Aluminum profile tubes are available in a wide variety of shapes and configurations.

Depending on the production technology, an aluminum pipe with a non-circular cross section can be:

  • electric welded. The rectangular or square shape of the product is created by welding sheets. The stresses remaining in the metal are eliminated by the hot tempering procedure;
  • pressed. The manufacture of aluminum profile pipe in this case is carried out using a press;
  • cold deformed. An aluminum circle serves as a blank. It is subsequently pulled, formed and calibrated at the final stage.

According to the processing method, aluminum profile pipes are of the following types:

  • aged naturally or artificially;
  • annealed;
  • hardened;
  • semi-hardened.

Good to know! From the lips of professionals, one can often hear another name for a profile pipe - boxing from the English word box. This is due to the fact that plugs from plastic or aluminum covers can be attached to its end.

Properties and specifications

It should be noted that the profile aluminum pipe is made in the form of a full rectangle or square: it does not have any joints and connections. This factor determines the uniform distribution of the load across all walls. Therefore, even the smallest square 20 × 20 pipe is able to withstand sufficiently large mechanical stresses.However, it is not recommended to use it as an element of the supporting structure: the solution of such problems is performed using completely different products.

Aluminum profile pipe

From pipes of small cross section it is possible to produce only simple designs that do not carry heavy loads

Aluminum is very well processed by hand and drilled. This allows you to completely abandon welding and use bolted joints. An important point is the excellent ability of this metal to withstand the negative effects of the environment. Therefore, before putting the aluminum pipe into operation, there is no need for its additional processing and the application of a protective coating. You can get an idea of ​​the size and weight of products with a square cross section by familiarizing yourself with the data presented in table No. 1.

Table 1

Sizes of the parties and wall thickness, mm Outer perimeter, mm Theoretical weight 1 shoulder strap. meters, kg vendor code
60×60×1,8 236,6 1,127 SY22013
40×40×2 159,1 0,824 SY22012
18×18×1 71,0 0,184 SY22011
15×15×1,5 59,0 0,219 SY22010
40×40×1,2 159,0 0,504 SY22009
15×15×1 60,0 0,151 SY22008
20×20×1 79,1 0,209 SY22007
50×50×2 198,3 0,990 SY22006
40×40×3 158,3 1,198 SY22005
30×30×2 119,1 0,600 SY22004
25×25×2 100,0 0,499 SY22003
20×20×1,5 79,1 0,300 SY22002
25×25×1,5 99,5 0,382 SY22001


The most demanded is a 40 × 40 square aluminum pipe. It is used most often in the installation of structures and perfectly suits the conditions of most construction processes.

Aluminum profile pipe

Aluminum is a very soft metal, so the pipes from it are easily amenable to any treatment with simple household tools

In table No. 2 you will find the same characteristics of rectangular aluminum pipes.

table 2

Sizes of the parties and wall thickness, mm Outer perimeter, mm Theoretical weight 1 shoulder strap. meters, kg vendor code
20×39,5×1 119,3 0,376 SY23012
20×30×1 100,3 0,289 SY23011
20×25×1,5 87,3 0,336 SY23010
30×50×2,5 159,5 1,016 SY23009
40×20×1,2 114,9 0,362 SY23008
18,9×24,4×1,2 81,0 0,253 SY23007
40×20×2 117,0 0,599 SY23005
80×40×2 238,0 1,256 SY23004
40×20×2 120,0 0,607 SY23003
30×20×2 98,3 0,500 SY23002
10×20×2 58,3 0,150 SY23001


Features of production and quality requirements

Above we have already mentioned manufacturing technologies for aluminum profile square and rectangular pipes. However, there are some peculiarities. Their presence is due to the non-circular section of such a product and the characteristics of the starting material.

Aluminum profile pipe

The wall thickness and the size of the pipe cross section depends on the source material - the workpiece

So, for example, when using profile aluminum alloy grade 1915 for the production of pipes, it is allowed not to carry out the heat treatment procedure. But this only applies to naturally aged and caked products with wall thicknesses up to 10 millimeters. If the aluminum alloy 1955 is used as the raw material, the wall size can be in the range 18 ≤ L ≤ 50 mm, and their thickness is 1.5 ≤ S ≤ 10 mm.

Good to know! By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to produce a non-standard profile pipe with deviations accepted in relation to the closest smallest size. And the production of shaped products is carried out according to the drawings provided by the customer.

The length of the segments of the aluminum profile can be 1 ≤ L ≤ 6 m. This applies to all types of lengths: unmeasured, measured, and multiple measured. But with clarification regarding the last two of the above. In the normative document it is formulated as follows: the gap between two adjacent profile lengths should be 500 mm.

Pipes of multiple measured length are manufactured taking into account the increase of this size by 5 mm. The deviation of the length of the measured profile can be no more than 10 mm.

The external and internal surfaces of these products must be absolutely clean and not have:

  • burn marks (this requirement applies to hardened pipes);
  • weights;
  • traces of nitrate;
  • loosening;
  • sinks;
  • non-metallic additives;
  • cracks;
  • bundles.
Aluminum profile pipe

The surface of pipes produced by technology must be homogeneous and free of impurities

The presence on the outer surface is allowed:

  • process grease residues;
  • flowers of maturity;
  • spots and light annular and spiral stripes;
  • various types of press fitting, nicks, bubbles, scratches, scratches, captives. But under the condition that their depth of penetration does not derive the wall thickness beyond the maximum permissible value;
  • ring and spiral tracks, dents.The above condition applies in this case to the cross section of the profile pipe.

Partial cleaning of the product is allowed if its dimensions do not leave the range of maximum permissible deviations. Cracking is not allowed. A pipe with a diameter of the circumscribed circle exceeding 10 cm and a wall thickness of more than 1 cm must not have any burrs on the outside.

The maximum deviations of the cross section of the profile tube of aluminum and its alloys are presented in table No. 3.

Table 3

Profile cross section (nom.), Mm The maximum permissible deviation of the cross-sectional dimensions of the profile pipe with the diameter of the described circle (mm)
300-350 250-300 200-250 150-200 100-150 60-100 30-60 Less than 30
250-300 1,9
from 1.5 to 3
up to 1.5


The use of aluminum profile pipes

Rectangular pipes are widely used as reinforcing and framing elements of metal structures such as arched hangars, greenhouses, arbors, etc. In addition, they serve for laying electrical communications of a hidden type.

Aluminum profile pipe

Square aluminum tubes are used as the basis for various types of structures

Aluminum square pipes are actively used in the construction industry for the installation of cable networks and the arrangement of facade systems.

Important! Not the last role they also play in creating designer interior details and for decorating residential and office premises. And in the furniture industry, frames for the products of this industry are produced from a square profile aluminum pipe.

It is worth noting that most of the auxiliary elements of the ducts are made of such products.

Profiles, for the manufacture of which more durable aluminum alloys were used, have proven themselves in the oil industry, as well as in aircraft and shipbuilding. The environmental safety of pipes made of this metal allows them to be used in the food industry for transporting bulk products.

Pipes of lower strength are used for the production of frames not only for wall cladding with decorative material, but also for suspended ceilings. At the same time, the cost of the final product and the level of costs for repairs are significantly reduced. The increased demand for aluminum profiles is due to resistance to moisture and attractive appearance. Therefore, it is allowed to install it without applying an anti-corrosion coating in rooms with high humidity.

Some recommendations of professionals

When doing the work yourself, determine in advance the need to use these products. Otherwise, a significant cost overrun will result, since cheaper material may be suitable for creating a structure of the same strength.

For soldering or welding aluminum profile pipes, the contractor must have the appropriate skills. Therefore, carrying out such work can cause certain difficulties. If a large span is created, additional stiffening ribs must be installed.

Despite the rather high cost of profile aluminum pipes, these products occupy a large niche in the corresponding segment of the construction market.